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Don’t forget – it is now
legal in the UK to drive
a truck at 18 years old.

M.D. Fiddes Training is the
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Training Services Ltd.

Registered Address:
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Shore Street.
Inverness IV1 1N

Company Number SC341731

Periodic CPC Training in Inverness & the North of Scotland

Periodic CPC Training - What is Driver CPC?

What is Driver CPC?
Driver CPC is short for "Driver Certificate of Professional Competence". This affects all professional LGV and PCV drivers. For new drivers it introduces a new initial qualification, the Driver CPC, which increases the level of knowledge that drivers need before they can drive.
What licence categories will be affected by Driver CPC?
C1, C1+E, C, C+E, D1, D1+E, D & D+E
When did driver CPC come into effect?
• For bus and coach drivers 10th September 2008
• For lorry and van drivers (over 3.5 tons) 10th September 2009

All drivers, new and existing, now have to undertake 35 hours of training every five years to ensure that their Driver CPC remains valid. This is known as Periodic Training.

Periodic Training is designed to confirm, and expand on, the existing knowledge and skills of each driver to ensure that they continue to be safe, courteous and fuel-efficient drivers. This will enable drivers to keep up-to-date with ever-changing regulations and to benefit from training throughout their whole career.
Who is affected by the requirements for periodic training?

In essence, every driver of a PCV or LGV. However, there will be exemptions in the shape of those drivers not driving for hire or reward, and those running the community bus permit scheme i.e. the majority of Community Transport.

Existing Professional PCV drivers who hold a full, valid category D, D1, D+E or D1+E licence will, from 10th September 2008, need to complete the 35 hours of Periodic training by 10th September 2013. Existing Professional (LGV) drivers who hold a full, valid category C, C1, C+E or C1+E licence will, from 10th September 2009, need to complete the 35 hours of Periodic training by 10th September 2014.

All new Drivers who gain their initial Driver CPC after 10th September 2008 (PCV) or 10th September 2009 (LGV) will immediately begin their period of Periodic training and will need to complete 35 hours of training within five years of attaining their initial Driver CPC. For holders of both a PCV and an LGV licence they will have to complete only one course of 35 hours of Periodic training every five years.

They will not have to undertake 35 hours of training for each licence category. For drivers with LGV/PCV licences in other EU states their Periodic training must be completed in the country of employment or residence.
Will drivers be able to drive professionally without their Driver CPC Qualification?
The simple answer is "No", unless drivers are covered by "Exemptions", which are:

You will not need a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) if the vehicle you drive:

• has a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 45 kilometres per hour

• is used by, or under the control of, the armed forces, civil defence, the fire service and forces responsible for maintaining public order

• is undergoing road tests for technical development, repair or maintenance purposes, or is a new or rebuilt vehicle which has not yet been put into service

• is used in states of emergency or assigned to rescue missions

• is used in the course of driving lessons for any person wishing to obtain a driving licence or a Driver CPC
• is used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods, for personal use

• is carrying material or equipment to be used by the driver in the course of his or her work, provided that driving the vehicle is not the driver's principal activity

This list is intended only as a guide and is not necessarily exhaustive. It is recommended that in all cases where it is felt an exemption applies, drivers and operators seek independent legal advice.

The driver has flexibility as to how he/she takes the 35 hours training over this time. For example, a driver may complete a two day course in the first year and a three day course in the fifth year.
Or you could consider spreading the training over the whole 5 years, undertaking 7 hours (one day) per year, accumulating 35 hours over a 5 years period. Thus spreading the cost of training over the 5 years.

(Please note. You must undergo a minimum of 7 hours training at any one time.)

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CPC Qualification North of Scotland | CPC Qualification HIghlands | Driver CPC License